Tony, will this charge at the full 10Kw (40-42a) rate off a 50A circuit that the B Class can support?
In those hot summer months that my house AC is cranking, will the B Class charge rate menu be able to dial the current back and lessen the load down into the 3Kw or 6Kw range?
42A of B Class charging, 50A of central AC, coupled with an oven, clothes dryer and well pump could be a lot for my 200A service to handle in the summer should they all happen to be one at once.
Assuming I pull the trigger on getting a B Class I'd be interested in a 40A charger that isn't of the $900 Leviton or Clipper Creek variety. Could you sell it for $500?
I like the price and feature set of the Siemens Versicharge but it is capped at 30A unfortunately. The delay timer, and low voltage contacts Siemens provides allow you to put some indicator lights and a on/ off switch up inside the house. I like those features but you can't get the full juice Benz / Tesla has allowed on this car but for $549.....
I'm not thrilled with the idea of the non UL approved open source type options, a 50A 240v circuit off your main breaker panel is serious business. So is JESLA or this new product UL listed?