Brake Groan

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2014
Atlanta GA
Has anyone had what you would characterize as excessive brake groan when creeping or stopping? I have 2 BEDs and they both groan more than any car I've ever driven. They have both done it since new.
Thanks for any commiseration.
Yes, mind does this. Drives me crazy as I do tend to crepe as the red lights are about to change. Not only do I have to listen to the car but also to my wife who tells me to stop doing it. So I have 2 "Groans" at the same time.
Oh great, another thing for me to notice. I have not heard since November but now I will have my ears open! Seriously, bring into the shop and have them fix under warranty if they can.
Whew, no brake groan. As I said, take it into the shop and make them fix it under warranty.
I think it's normal, the brakes make some groan when pressed lightly and coming to a stop. Also when releasing from HOLD.
It isn't something wrong with the car, it's just a mechanical noise.
When driving in flat surfaces, no noise. I did notice today that when braking when going down a sharp incline, there was definitely groaning when going slow. So there it is, now going to start bothering me.