Thank you wtzouris,
I got the car in late november, but the car is a 2015 model,
it was sitting there since a couple years.
Very few miles still,
I'm in EU so I go with Kms, I think I made about 2000 kms.
Can't find my VIN in that database, I assume it only works for american cars
I did look in this forum and read about the sudden-loss-of-power issue, before purchasing the car,
which scared me a lot, and asked the dealer to make sure the software was updated before selling me the car.
And he said they "routinely do these software updates before giving out cars" so I had to be fine,
but I wouldn't trust this blindly and wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.
I really would love a way to check software version on my own,
as I've learned in this forum you have to bring the car to workshop just to know this..
Not sure if wating for this to happen again (hoping it doesn't)
or bringing to workshop to make them check software / batteries .. whatever they are able to check (hoping they know their way in!)
Did the "sudden loss of power" issue also happened when igniting the car,
I seem to remember reading it only happened "while driving"?
It also gave that "red warning" only without any lights / other warnings on?
I'm also thinking it's very likely a software issue (reboot and it's gone)
or maybe something in the "ignition" procedure like the 12V battery failing to trigger some packs of cells (assuming this is possible)