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Nov 21, 2019
Hi B-class owners, I'm curious to learn more about the 2014-2016 Mercedes B-class.

I'm wondering about moving on from a BMW X1 and the idea of electric is really appealing since I really only need a car for travelling to work (20 miles round trip) and grocery shopping.

I understand the range on these B class cars is rather low at around 80 miles.

Before I get too excited about the idea I was wanting to learn from the community of owners/drivers if there are any known issues that it'd good to be aware of.

For instance, the charging time. Is it reasonable to expect that a 110v charge overnight would get things ready to go the next day for a limited ~20mile daily run? 220 is preferable of course but where we are we're renting so I would have to pull from a dryer outlet and I'm guessing we couldn't use the clothes dryer while the car is charging!

Thanks in advance.

PS: I'm also reading this:

It always seemed to me that the B250e was similar in size to a BMW X1. Don't you agree?

Let me do the math for you. A typical 110v outlet will charge at the rate of 0.8 KwH. If you go 20 miles, you are replacing approximately 25% of your battery charge. The capacity of our battery is 27.8 Kw so a 9 hour charge will cover you. It is ideal to charge overnight at home, sigh. I live in an apartment building so I charge at a 110v outlet at work or a L2 charger at dealer or commercial lot.

You do not want to be running anything else on the circuit when you are charging or the breaker will likely trip. Not advised to run an extension cord from a 220v outlet Perfectly fine to get a rugged extension cord for a 110v outlet. The latter is what I use at work.

I see you found most of the top topics so will respond there if others have not already.

You should read the thread about cold weather range. Since you are in Indiana, range will drop down to 60 miles so your daily commute will use up 33% of your battery. You will need 11-12 hours charging overnight on a 110v outlet if my mental math has not failed me.
JeffRay said:

It always seemed to me that the B250e was similar in size to a BMW X1. Don't you agree?

Let me do the math for you. A typical 110v outlet will charge at the rate of 0.8 KwH.


Sanity check on L1 charging. 120 * 15 = 1,800 (or 1.8kW)
Moot point as a full night's charge would be needed to cover a modest (20 mile round trip) commute.
ChargePoint L2 EVSEs report the charge-rate to my iPhone. Adds approx 22 miles range per hour of charging for a B250e.


Thanks for sanity check. Hm, must be something sub par for workplace 120v outdoor outlet as it only puts out 0.8 kWh for me. Anyway, as they used to say, "your mileage may vary", or something like that. As you said, does not change the need to charge overnight to recoup used 20 miles worth of kW.

Happy holiday all.
JeffRay said:

Thanks for sanity check. Hm, must be something sub par for workplace 120v outdoor outlet as it only puts out 0.8 kWh for me. Anyway, as they used to say, "your mileage may vary", or something like that.


Can you enter the "Secret Menu" and report your charging current and voltage? I'll do the same next time I'm charging the B250e on an L1 EVSE.


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