OpenEVSE with RTC for sale

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2014
I just completed a 32A L2 and 12A L1 EVSE.It is $300 plus $25 for shipping. I can also supply a 120V L1 adapter plug for an additional $25.

This consists of a Ver 4 OpenEVSE, a yellow display with RTC,a 80A 12V relay, a 15 foot Yazaki J1772 cable, a 4 foot 50A range cable modified so it can plug into a standard 14-50 socket or a 60A or 30A socket. They are the same except for the for the unused neutral pin. This unit also has a mulit function ( one at a time) meter that displays voltage, amps, power, and cumulative KWH.

This is about the last EVSE I will build since the MNL owner locked be out and wants me to register as a vendor. Since I make EVSE's at cost as a hobby this is not affordable. I started this one a while back but I always needed the EVSE board for another project.

The nice thing about the J1772 standard is that the EVSE tells the car what is available (in this case at L2 32A) and the car takes what it needs. A Volt will take 16A, A upgraded Leaf 27.5A, and a Honda Fit 30A. In my case my 40A B would accept and charge at 32A even though it could take 40A. This EVSE has future charging needs in hand.

Phil Childs said to me that he has charged his RAV4 EV at 40A with a #10 cable. That is pushing the spec farther than my comfort zone. Since I have the OpenEVSE plugged into my 50A plug I tried 36A. To my surprise the cable was just about as warm as my main Quick Charge Power 40A cable. I am too chicken to try the full 40A! All of the other components will easily do 40A.
Interestingly, my Quick Charge Power 40A J1772 cable at 40A runs hotter than my Yazaki #10 cable at 36A. Maybe I will try it at 40A but that is far above the 32A spec for a 40A circuit. I guess I am chicken to exceed toe spec so much.
GlennD... can you PM me a list of any other openEVSE units you might have for sale? I'm always a little slow to the posts!


I have stopped building units since Mike the forum owner removed all of my posts on MNL and wanted me to become a vender. Since I built them as a hobby and I sold them at cost that is not going to happen.

If you purchase the parts at the OpenEVSE store I will build the unit for the cost of shipping. As I said, I am retired and this is just a hobby to keep busy. Quite a while back I did that for a MNL member.

The 40A J1772 cable that Chris sells is supplied by Quick Charge Power and it is small and flexible. I use a 20ft one on my EVSE to charge at 40A. A 25ft one is around $204 with shipping from Quick Charge. Chris sells it for the same price but if you are in California you pay sales tax. If you are out of state you can get everything from Chris at his OpenEVSE store.