Motor whining, needs replacement

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Thanks for the welcome Jeff!

I am in the Bay Area and am looking at a loaded black one in LA area -

I was hoping I could get it certified but it doesn't qualify and 3rd party warranty is $4k...

Re: Service. I did ask for a VMI and it was regularly serviced and might have had a motor fix/replacement under warranty in Apr 2018

6/ 2017 - purchased at FJ in Newport Beach
12/2017 - some complimentary check by FJ in Newport Beach
3/18 - maintenance A, dessican cartridge replaced under warranty
4/18 - brought in to check tires, some warranty repairs on Electric Motor Towing, Electric Motor Corroded/Oxidized, map data updated
11/18 - service B, battery service, some campaign related to battery
8/19 - another regular service, charger replaced under warranty
1/20 - new tires and regular service, some line item on "Cost of Sale" under warranty
7/20 - inspected and sold by MB West Cov as an as-is used car, charging cables, brake fluid, combination filter, air drier replaced
9/20 - new owner
6/21 - West Cov took it back for sale replaced brakes, wipers

Should the telling dealer be able to tell me battery pack degradation like an iPhone would? :mrgreen:

JeffRay said:

First, welcome to the forum. It was a fun car for 6 years, first a 2014, then a 2017.

Second, don't know where you are but $16k sounds negotiable to me. Be sure to have the car checked out by a MB dealer before you buy to see if all required service was done and to let you know how much degradation of the battery pack has occurred. I miss the car.

Just leased a GLC300 to bridge to a future MB EV. Almost bite on a 2021 GLC350e last year but couldn't pull the trigger during covid when I wasn't driving much. The EQC is not sold in the US or I would be driving that. Yeah, the Burmeister is nice. I listened today for my 3 hour drive by myself. Very nice indeed.

Yes, the dealer can access the last battery test data. If more than one year old, they can run it again and give you a current reading.

The price seems high for a 40k mileage car btw.
Hi, I'm a newbie. (Hi, newbie!)

I discovered this page about a week ago and have been reading along on the various topics posted. I am a former owner of a C300 and a GLK350, both of which were an absolute blast to drive! That is, until my husband purchased a 2017 Ford C-Max Energi early last year. There's nothing really special about the C-Max, but for some reason I just really got on board with the idea of using a lot less fuel to get wherever I was going. So ultimately I traded the 350 for my own Ford C-Max Energi last October.

For those who don't know, the C-Max Energi is a plug-in hybrid. The bad news is, when you go to register or renew your license plates, the state (Ohio) charges you the plug-in surcharge. The advertised battery range on this vehicle is only about 20 miles. So I really felt like we were getting kicked in the teeth being charged the plug-in surcharge but also having to purchase fuel. And the gas mileage really isn't anywhere close to what it's advertised as. That's one of the reasons why Ford discontinued this line, is that it could not compete with other hybrids like the Prius. The gas mileage just wasn't there.

Needless to say, I was pretty bummed out. That is, until I discovered I could squeeze up to about 35 miles of range out of that battery, depending on how I drove and by not using climate control. It became a challenge to see how far I could go before the internal combustion engine kicked on. At that point, I really liked the car and I enjoyed only putting fuel in it about every 2 to 3 months, and even then not having to use premium. It's a really smooth and quiet ride in battery mode, and even on the highway, it's not always easy to tell when the gasoline engine kicks on.

So, that's my backstory. Fast forward to last week when, on a whim, I checked to see how much Carvana would give me for my C-Max. I guess it was a little more than a whim, because I picked up a second job which made it hard for me to commute on battery only, especially when I went from my first job to my second job and then back home. But since Carvana gave me an offer I couldn't refuse, I decided to look for an all-electric vehicle, so I could get every where I wanted to go and not burn any fuel at all. The prospect was enticing. And we still have my husband's C-Max for long trips.

Imagine my delight and surprise when I discovered that not only does Mercedes-Benz make the B-class, but Carvana had one for sale and it was lower in price than what they were giving me for my C-Max! I live in Ohio. I have never seen one of these vehicles before and I had no idea they existed. I was super happy about not only getting an all-electric vehicle at a very reasonable price, but that I would be back driving a Benz! Truly the best of both worlds.


I discovered this thread about the motor whine issue literally two hours after the car was delivered yesterday.

It was supposed to be dropped off at 5:30, but somehow the technician got tied up with a problem in his previous delivery and he wasn't here until almost 7, by which time it was dusk. He asked if we wanted to take it for a little test drive for 5 or 10 minutes, so we did that. I never got the car above 45 miles an hour, but it seems like whenever I was pushing on the accelerator, it was whining. I did not realize it could be indicative of a problem at the time. We brought the car home and signed all the paperwork and off went the C-Max on the back of the Carvana truck. I came back in, got back on the forum, discovered this thread, wanted to cry a little bit and then I couldn't sleep.

I have a lot of driving that I need to do today so I think that will show if there is truly a problem with this vehicle. There is a seller's limited warranty. I did not buy an extended warranty. The seller's limited warranty is good for 100 days or 4189 miles. My plan is to read through the warranty paperwork to make sure that the electric motor would be covered. Even if it is, I've read that some folks have had to wait months for a replacement and I think that was before covid. Plus, I'm in Ohio and I'm not sure that there are any dealerships around that has dealt with this kind of vehicle.

Option two is to turn it in before the 7-Day test drive is over and get something else.


Other than that, I love the car! It's a matte gray color which is neat in and of itself. I'm praying that I am wrong and that I can continue to enjoy this car for a few years to come. But realistically, especially after reading this thread, I'm not counting on that being the case.

Open to advice, comments, and complaints. If you've read this far, you probably need some coffee and a therapy session.


UPDATE: I don't know if anyone is following this thread anymore. But I just wanted to update that I contacted my local Mercedes-Benz dealership to schedule the vehicle for its annual battery certification and to have the motor checked for any issues. They didn't seem to have the first clue what I was talking about. The technician said that the closest place they knew of that could service this vehicle is in California.

I then called a Mercedes-Benz dealership in Columbus, Ohio and they agreed to schedule it, but 1: I'm not confident that they know what they're doing and 2: I can't even get it to Columbus on a full charge. I'd have to stop at some point during the trip and recharge just to get it there. So that's a no-go.

I feel at this point that I would be a complete fool to keep this vehicle. I'm going to take advantage of Carvana's 7 Day money back guarantee and get something else. I'm really heartbroken because I love driving this car. :cry:
Hi Dyan,

I just saw your message and apologize for not checking the forum as I was away on our first trip since you know what hit.

Anyhow, shame on the local MB dealer. All MB dealers were to have one service technician trained on electric vehicles. Most MB dealers granted have never seen a B250e but that does not prevent them from contacting MBUSA or MBGmbH for assistance.

It is not normal for there to be a whine above 45 mph. It is supposed to be a quiet vehicle at any speed with a soothing hum instead of a whine. If I were you, turn the car inside the 7 day window but tell them you would consider purchasing it again AFTER they got a MB dealer to check out the motor and coolant system.

Sorry but all is not lost, there are other MB electrics on the way in 2022 and 2023. The right one will come your way.
Hopefully Dyan received your message and returned the vehicle.

My sister is now dealing with this issue. We took the 2015 in while it was still under warranty not really understanding what the issue was and was told by the dealer that it was fine. Having looked at a few others at different Mercedes dealers prior to purchase we did notice they also made the whirring noise to some extent. Now that the car is no longer under warranty the whirring is getting louder (41,000 mi) and her local MB dealer says the drive unit needs to be replaced for $13,300. Hopefully everyone in the market for one will locate this page prior to purchase and make sure they will not be left with an expensive repair or total loss. Quick Charge in SoCal looks to be the only real option, yet at $4k is still pricy for what was expected to be a low cost vehicle. I think I am as upset at Tesla as I am Mercedes for not recalling this drive unit/car- a shame really since this is to me, a near perfect car.

Firstly, I can't thank you both enough for responding. Jeff, I'm glad you finally got a much-needed break!

So, I still have the car. I decided a week ago that I was going to take Carvana up on their 7-day return offer. I chose a Nissan Leaf as a replacement vehicle. It was supposed to be here last Sunday, then it was supposed to be here tomorrow. Now it's not going to be here until Monday. I don't know why they are struggling so much with delivery on the vehicle but that gave me a few more days to drive the B-class. The bad part about that is I only have about 30 miles left before I hit the 400 mile limit. Then I have to pay a dollar per mile over. So, after tomorrow, it's going to get parked and my husband and I are going to have to share a car until the Leaf shows up.

Again, I can't tell you how grateful I am for your verification that I am making the right choice in turning the MB back in. I do love the car, but it's too good to be true.

Please be safe out there, everyone.
Glad to see Dyan will be taking them up on the offer for the swap, and nice to have seen Jeff's reply in time. As the car my sister has shows no battery degradation we will probably opt to repair it, she would like to keep it for at least 3 more years. The car is in really good condition so hate to write it off and selling it to CarMax would just be wrong. I'm assuming that the new bearings will last at least as long as the original ones, but as I don't have access to the car I can't pull the speed sensor to see if there is also leaking coolant in the drive unit. Im working with Mercedes in Atlanta and the dealership to see if any accommodation will be made, but not hopeful seeing others experiences with the process, and the fact that they will not acknowledge any issue with this Tesla drive unit- even though we complained about the noise (noted in service record) to another MB dealer service department 2 years prior when the vehicle was still under warranty.
Hi All

I am back in the market for a BEV!

I went looking for a station wagon (E Class) but ended up with a C350e PHEV. Like @dyankay I was in love with the idea of saving gas and wished for more range. I sold the C350e and am back looking at B250e and other full BEVs (Fiat 500e, Focus Electric).

Is a good dealer PPI able to check if a car’s motor has been replaced or still good?

Found a 2017 again and looks like value has gone up, just like any used car :|

A Mercedes dealer will be able to pull up the service record for the vehicle using the VIN and will see any drive unit replacement. A competent one should be able to pull the speed sensor and see if there is any coolant leak, but they may not really be able to make judgement about any whirring noise or if it truly needs replacement unless they have seen a few of them. I doubt the BMW dealer will be much help beyond the CarFax record, but for the $20k they should be able to provide some short-term warranty giving you time to have it looked at.

My sister is going to drive hers with the noise as it sounds just like a number of Model Ss around here and a few other Bs. We checked the speed sensor and there doesn't appear to be any leak- will monitor the noise for any changes taking it to Vista for repair if so. Mercedes is washing their hands of them (they said it didn't need a new drive unit when it was under warranty in San Jose, but now state that it needs replacement in Mission Viejo- only offering $1500 off a new vehicle, an insult to be sure.) $13,300 for the replacement drive unit.

If that one is still under warranty you could be good to go, but if there is that whirring noise I'd push for a drive unit replacement. It really is a near perfect car if the range is sufficient for you. Good luck.

hyap463 said:
Hi All

I am back in the market for a BEV!

I went looking for a station wagon (E Class) but ended up with a C350e PHEV. Like @dyankay I was in love with the idea of saving gas and wished for more range. I sold the C350e and am back looking at B250e and other full BEVs (Fiat 500e, Focus Electric).

Is a good dealer PPI able to check if a car’s motor has been replaced or still good?

Found a 2017 again and looks like value has gone up, just like any used car :|

I heard the whining getting slightly louder over a few months. At the beginning I took the car to the local dealer for servicing, and after $1k they said all is well. Over the next few months the sound got more noticeable, and when I took it back they said it would cost $14k to replace the drive unit. All this while asking if I wanted the $800 serv8ce which is coming up in a few months.

I shipped the car from Florida to QC Charge in California to have the bearing replaced. $4k was the bill. The bearing kit sells for $400, but the labor is the kicker. I may have attempted the repair, but for that bill I felt better off having them do it.
That sounds like our experience. We take it in (while under warranty) making the sound and they say it's fine, then after it's out of warranty and the sound appears louder they say it needs the $14k replacement.

$4k was the estimate I received over email from QC Charge, after checking the speed sensor and there isn't a leak we have decided to just drive it until the rebuild becomes mandatory.

How is your car now? I'm assuming the whirring noise is completely gone now? Congrats on getting the work done.

Jedlacks said:
I heard the whining getting slightly louder over a few months. At the beginning I took the car to the local dealer for servicing, and after $1k they said all is well. Over the next few months the sound got more noticeable, and when I took it back they said it would cost $14k to replace the drive unit. All this while asking if I wanted the $800 serv8ce which is coming up in a few months.

I shipped the car from Florida to QC Charge in California to have the bearing replaced. $4k was the bill. The bearing kit sells for $400, but the labor is the kicker. I may have attempted the repair, but for that bill I felt better off having them do it.
If your B250e suffered the coolant leak issue in the US, please consider filing a report with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They have the authority to force MB to recall and repair the issue.
Thanks for the reminder, I'd also suggest everyone else with this issue due the same.

Trentjr said:
If your B250e suffered the coolant leak issue in the US, please consider filing a report with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They have the authority to force MB to recall and repair the issue.
I've PM'd around 20 people from this forum who have suffered the travails of a failed drive unit, and asked them to reach out to me if they would like to add their voice as we collectively approach MB, or litigation, if necessary, to try to get MB to address this safety and cost issue. I am also taking the same approach on Facebook. If you have suffered a failed drive unit, even if you no longer have the car, please PM me and tell me your story. We are infinitely stronger as a group.
If your b250e was repaired under warranty or at your expense, please consider reporting the original issue to NHTSA.


This has happened too often for NHTSA to ignore, but they will only act if everyone who had the coolant issue/catastrophic failure actually reports it.
Trentjr said:
If your b250e was repaired under warranty or at your expense, please consider reporting the original issue to NHTSA.


This has happened too often for NHTSA to ignore, but they will only act if everyone who had the coolant issue/catastrophic failure actually reports it.

ALL CAPS. That always gets attention.

Seriously though, I enjoyed my time with the B. Sad to see a few of us have motor issues but by and large we know the majority of B250e's that were sold were trouble free (like mine). Long story but I went from ordering a Tesla Model Y, hating that experience that included a Y that arrived with a hood that wouldn't close. I ended up with a Lexus UX250h because I didn't want to deal with a 50% less range in winter, and the rest of the car's quality actually mattered to me (I'm looking at YOU Elon). Let's face it: Good effort, Mercedes but we all know the B250e was a compliance car from the beginning,. By today's standards, it's an extinct dinosaur. But hey, who doesn't like dinosaurs? The new Jurassic Park movie is proof.

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