Mercedes Grille Star removal - How to remove it?

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Feb 8, 2020
After watching a You Tube video of a Mercedes technician removing the star I thought, well that looks easy.. how wrong was I..

I got out two plastic pry tools and inserted them exactly where the technician did.

No joy.. All that happened was the plastic was creaking.. I could see the fragile looking plastic lugs but no real movement. It should just pop off but I didn't want to force it!

Anyone tried to remove their's, and, if so can you suggest any tips please?

Different models have designs with other ways of removal. This star is the smooth gloss black type which has the sensor behind it.

Upon opening the bonnet/hood you cannot access behind it. There is no access!


I haven't tried to remove the grill star, so I don't have any first-hand suggestions.

A word of caution, we don't know if there are tabs that simply "pull out" with enough force, or ones that must be released first.
I'm thinking that the plastic tools you mentioned may have to "unlock" catches that you can't see?

Sorry I wasn't much help..

FordAnglia said:

I haven't tried to remove the grill star, so I don't have any first-hand suggestions.

A word of caution, we don't know if there are tabs that simply "pull out" with enough force, or ones that must be released first.
I'm thinking that the plastic tools you mentioned may have to "unlock" catches that you can't see?

Sorry I wasn't much help..


Hi, thanks. You're right to be cautious! I've seen another video where you must release the tabs so its difficult to know unless someone has actually posted their experience. The star is quite tight. I might have another go but might apply a little heat first as the weather is cold atm.

Will update if any success.
My star is a flat design whereas this is a 3d star. I have this twist to remove style on my GLA. :)