Level 2 charging

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Jan 1, 2015
I need help. When I plug into a level 2 charge point station it will only charge my car at 2.8kwh. Any ideas? Was plugged in for four hours and hardly charged the car.


Use the arrows on the left side of the steering wheel and go to the Settings menu on the center screen. Look for the charging setting and make sure it is set to maximum. It might be set lower and that's why you didn't get the max charge.
I'm curious. Had you previously changed that setting. Mine was set to maximum when I picked up the car. I assumed that was default, however perhaps the dealer set that up during it's pre-inspection (although I kind of doubt it!)
It was set at 10. They didn't go over that setting with me. Would have been nice to know that kind of info.
I'm confused. In actually thinking about it I didn't think that that setting was applied to level two charging but only level one charging. I will admit the manual is not clear about that but all references to charge settings apply to the level one cord that comes with the car
Some people have written that some public Level 2 charging stations share a single circuit, so they limit the output of each J1772 to 1/2 of the "normal" 6.6 kW to 7.2 kW full capability.

Was this charger a double unit or next to another charger?
wtzouris said:
Some people have written that some public Level 2 charging stations share a single circuit, so they limit the output of each J1772 to 1/2 of the "normal" 6.6 kW to 7.2 kW full capability.

Was this charger a double unit or next to another charger?

The Blink stations are reduced in output to 17 to 24 amps, plus or minus. Plus, almost all public charging is 208 volt commercial voltage, instead of 240 volts that you get at home.

Power is simply Volts multiplied by Amps.
There is a setting to change the charging level for the car. You can use the left pad located on the steering wheel to navigate the menu to "settings". Once you are in settings, navigate down to charging. There are 4 settings possible: Maximum, 13A, 10A, 8A. I believe you are on 10A. Select Maximum and then hit OK. You should be able to charge at 6+ kWh on 240V.

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