Extended Range Use

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Jan 8, 2015
I have 14k miles on my B Class Electric now and have used extended range only a few times. I will be moving further away from my office which will result in a 92 mile daily round trip commute in northern California with a 1,800 ft elevation change each way. Since I will only be charging once per day I am wondering if it would be better for overall battery life to use extended range every day or to avoid extended range and deplete the battery to very low levels every day. I am also wondering if others are using extended range extensively.
I too vary rarely use my range charge. I think I would personally do a range charge and test your new commute perhaps for a couple of weeks. Then make a decision whether or not you could do it without a range charge?

I'm told that it really does not hurt to use it every day, as it's only a 90% charge. Likewise, the low end is not totally zero either. So, I'd say either way you would be safe.
rdavis has a point. Use it every day for a while, and then try it once without. It all depends on ambient temperature. Also windshield wipers seem to really eat up energy.
I used range charge 3-4 times a week for Jan - March in NYC but now I don't use it at all.
Given the distance alone, not to mention elevation you are going to need every bit of the capacity I'd say. I'd guess you need a range charge everyday for 92 miles with some comfort level or room for a side trip or stop.
Yesterday I drove (on extended charge) 61 miles, about 30.5 each way in a round trip. The GOM said there was 44mi remaining, and just over 50% SOC. I didn't check the exact SOC, but from the pic I took I can see the gauge is just above 1/2.

Easy trip, 65 outside. No heat or AC use to speak of, climate control set for auto and 70.

61 miles, 2 hours 19 min with traffic average speed of 26mph. 3.3mpkWh.

Based on that 105 miles or more would have been reachable if you really pushed it.

Most of the trip is highway but much of it slower moving NYC area speeds. I drive in D- mode now almost all the time and it really brings up the economy vs. Dauto. Doing the majority of your slow downs in full regen makes a big difference.