Charging rate from 110V home outlet

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Oct 17, 2017
Good morning, I had a bit of a surprise this morning when I came to my car. I plugged the B250e into the EVSE that comes with the car: 12amp 240V with 35% charge at 9:00pm. Returned at 6:00am (9 hours later) and only had 53% charge despite increasing the rate to maximum charge by selecting the 4-bar charging option on the EVSE (2-bar = slow and 4-bar = fast). Why was it so slow?

My i3 has options for level 1 charging (110v) to be as follows: Level 1 to be Max (16A), Reduced (12A) or Low (8A).
On the max that a standard outlet would allow (w/o tripping the circuit breaker) I could charge from 30-40% to 100% on a typical night. Why can't the B250e? Is it because of battery capacity w/ B250e being 28-33kwH the i3 22kwh?
If that is the case, why would people claim they can charge the car fully overnight from standard outlet??
The 2017 EVSE is still sealed in a bag. If it is the same as my 2014 the default is 8A and you have to manually switch to 12A (the max for a 15A outlet). I carry an OpenEVSE unit with me. It is default at 12A @120V and 16A at 240V. The L1 can be set hotter for a 20A circuit but the last one had a bad 120V adapter and I never noticed it and I sold it that way. I only tested it on 240V.

Basically it is just along for the ride. I charge at home when needed
Mr. G,

Best to get the app so you can monitor what is actually going on with any charger. In this case, you may have a bad charger but more likely, the outlet you are using might need to be upgraded. On four lights with a dedicated outdoor outlet, for me, it can range from 0.6 kwh to 1.1 kwh. A 110v outlet is just for topups, for your 35% starting number, it could take as long as 30 hours to recharge to 100% at 0.6 kwh.

Get the app and see what your outlet is pulling in. If it is not a dedicated outlet and something else is drawing power on the line, your charging will suffer and the circuit could be tripped.

Try the charger with a dedicated outlet somewhere.

For home, best to upgrade to one of the 240v chargers talked about on this forum. That can recharge an range plus to 120% overnight for sure.
JeffRay and GlennB thank you for your help!
The OpenEVSE is it from: ?
The app: EVaccess is no longer on the Apple App store.
I will have to install the 240V charger; prices seem reasonable now.
Thank you both, great forum!

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