Broken B250e

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Aug 2, 2019
2 years ago we took delivery of a new B250e. It's been just fine, apart from the limited mileage but 3 weeks ago it stopped working; would switch on but wouldn't move. Since that time it's been in the MB workshop and they appear to have been struggling to diagnose the problem. Today we received notice that they've decided it needs a new drive unit, which they don't have either here in the UK or in Germany. So they've ordered one -I guess from Tesla? - and to date they don't know how long it's going to take to arrive. Given the car is discontinued, does anyone have any thoughts on how easy and how quickly it's likely to take to get over here and fitted? We're borderline demanding a refund.

I also just had my drive unit replaced because it was making a whining noise and they determined that some coolant got into the unit. I live on the east coast of the U.S. and they also needed to order the part. Initially they told me it would take five weeks to receive the part and install in the car but it actually took just over two weeks to get the 250e back. Gary

It is certainly normal, sad to say, that unless you are in California, most MB dealers rarely run into our B250e and so have difficulty diagnosing an issue with the motor or battery. The good news is that both are provided by Tesla. It should not take long for them to get the parts needed from Tesla and then install them. However, would advise having a conversation with the sales manager to outline the deal.

1. Fix at no cost under warranty.
2. Loaner car, preferably your choice of available.
3. If no repair in 90 days, then cover your gas bills or extend the warranty on motor by time lost.

Good luck with this. So unusual but MB needs to make it right which is what they would do for any of the cars they sell.
Thanks for the responses.

We have a loaner, the work is under warranty and they've indicated fuel refund can be discussed.

I have to say, I'm going to be very unhappy if it takes more than a week or two. It really shouldn't be taking this long to fix a relatively new vehicle.

I should know more about when in a couple of days. I'll post when I do.

I agree with you. Very few of these cars were made, mainly to comply with rules in certain states that they could not sell their ICE vehicles if they did not have hybrids and electrics. So these were first generation so called compliance cars. They finally figured out that there was a market for these cars in the UK so you are among the first I suppose.

They don't make the battery or the motors, always sourced from Tesla. For their EQC and new electrics, they will be making these parts. So I am afraid it will take a while to have the parts air shipped to your dealer, then they will have instructions from Germany as to how to take your car apart to install the replacement motor, test it and such. So inclusive of shipping and careful installation, my guess is more than 2 weeks.

FYI, I have been waiting a few weeks now for a replacement left rear lamp assembly. One thing to consider is that like any discontinued vehicle, new parts will be harder to come by. I may source the part off eBay instead.

Good luck, stick with it. It really is a nice getabout. I have had two of these for a total of 4.5 years. Lease runs out in 18 months.
One thing to consider is that like any discontinued vehicle, new parts will be harder to come by.

Which would be fine except that it was discontinued about a month after we bought it. I'm not being unreasonable in expecting far better service than this on a new car still under warranty. Leaving aside the issue of parts, the showroom haven't been great on keeping me up to date.

Anyway, it is what it is. We'll see how things pan out over the coming days.
Still awaiting delivery of the drive unit, still trying to find out how long to fit, not getting an awful lot of information from Mercedes. Currently not very happy with the way this has been handled.

I’m new here. Henryblince, I’m sorry you have to wait so long to get your car back. I just bought a pre-owned 2017 B250e with 12,000 miles on it. I thought it was a great deal until I took it to my local MB dealer to have them check it out. They told me that while they can service the car, they don’t honor any warranties from Canada. However, my warranty booklet gives no indication that it is a “Canada warranty.” The booklet even contains warranty information for New Jersey and California that differs from other states in the US.

I have the manager looking into it now. But does this match your experience? It sounds like your dealer is honoring the warranty. Do you think this is because you bought it from them? The MB service manager told me that they wouldn’t even sell those cars. I had to inform him that I had considered buying the pre-owned B250e that I found on their sales site!

Sadly, I’m considering returning the car. Best of luck to you. Please provide an update when your car is repaired.
Interesting turn of events. By way of recap:

1st August: 3 weeks in, finally decided a new drive unit is required. Part not available in Germany or UK, placed on order, will arrive 19th August
15th August, part now arriving 22nd August
23 August, part not arrived, they don't know when it will or even where it is but they should know on 29th August
27 August, part due to arrive on 30 August.

They're adamant that the part is coming from Germany, not the US but that it's not available in Germany. This seems odd to me, the part is by Tesla who only manufacture in the US. If they can't supply it off the shelf then surely it has to be manufactured.

This all adds up to nobody knows what's happening and it's very frustrating. It also bothers me that I have a car that nobody seems to know how to repair.

It's also worth mentioning that the trade-in price of the car has dropped to 40% of its purchase value in 2 years.

This is not great news as I am considering buying my 2017 off lease next year at a hefty discount. As with any discontinued vehicle, parts will get increasingly harder to come by except on eBay or similar. Nothing compared to your situation but MB has been unable to supply a replacement left rear lamp for several weeks now. Your is more serious of course and at least you have a delivery date. The discount will have to take into account parts availability.

Best of luck with this. Please let us know the happy ending.
left tail lamp?
Thanks for sending link. My guy confirmed not in yet. May have to risk eBay purchase or live with cracked tail lamp and/or turn car in with broken lamp. It still works, I glued plastic back together but there is a small gap as I could not find that piece.
30th August; part due to arrive today hasn't. Dealer has no idea why not or when it might arrive.

We have completely lost faith in both the car and Mercedes. They have a broken down vehicle which they don't appear to be able to fix and their management and communication system appears to be completely broken. I completely accept that cars break down but the way they've dealt with us here has been unforgivable.

We now start talking to lawyers.

Apparently they've finally sourced the part. Surprise, it's in Tesla's factory in California. Now it's going to arrive on 10th September, 2 months after the original breakdown. We'll see but I'm not holding my breath.

I read your posts on the forum about coolant damaging the vehicle and needing to repair the motor. My dealer claims mine has the same problem and needs the drive motor replaced at the tune of $12K. He also said that he recently had to share the same news with another b-class owner. There's a theme here, that should result in a recall and/or class action lawsuit. We should not be footing the bill for what is obviously the responsibility of Tesla, Mercedes or both.

If anyone is having problems with their batteries or coolant issues that are resulting in replacing, please reply to this post so that we can identify how many of us there are in this situation and be able to communicate with one another about remedies.


I also had my 2015 B class motor replaced about 3 months ago. I was told that coolant got into the motor and it needed to be replaced. Fortunately it was still under warranty and after about a month in the shop I finally got it back in good working order. Very worried though that it will happen again since it's now not under any warranty.
henryblince and IKcedar -

Did anyone other than a MB dealer shop look at your cars to determine that they needed new motors? Mine's now at an electric car specialty shop and they can't see the problem that the dealer said was at issue with coolant, drive unit, motor, etc.

henry., did you hire a lawyer?
The only place I took the 250e to was the local mercedes dealer, so they are the only ones who ever looked at it.
I also have my mb 250 e in the workshop waiting for a new engine, I am considering selling it when it is repaired.

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