Battery charging question

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Dec 14, 2014
Every time I fully charge my B-Class, either using 120v or 220v, the gauge shows a full charge, but the range always shows 62 miles.
I thought the range is supposed to be up to 85 miles?
Does anyone know why it does this?
I have a theory. I believe the range prediction (GOM - Guess o'meter) uses your recent driving experience to predict range and does so conservatively. The reason I think this is true as I live in a hilly area (low m/Kwhr) and the range is always low (56 to 62) after a charge at my home. I can drive over 70 on a charge (it's winter here so I don't expect to get 87 until it gets warmer). If I take a long trip on the highway (higher m/Kwhr then around my home) and then charge it, the GOM is much higher (closer to 70 or more).

I used the % of battery left to predict my own range as a gather more experience.

100% = 72
75% = 54
50% = 36
25% = 18
fkrull said:
Every time I fully charge my B-Class, either using 120v or 220v, the gauge shows a full charge, but the range always shows 62 miles.
I thought the range is supposed to be up to 85 miles?
There are several threads on this already. The GuessOMeter uses you average consumption from previous trips to calculate the expected range remaining. If you could drive more efficiently and only preheat the vehicle ect. you will get more range. Winter is hard on efficiency with energy being used up by the cabin heater and battery heater.
The GOM is exactly that, a guess. I routinely exceed the initially presented range, especially if I do any amount of freeway driving.

If you change the dash view to the consumption gauge (the one that reads from reset), and reset that gauge, the range should change to 83 miles. With careful driving you can likely exceed that. If you do a lot of stop and go, then you might not achieve quite that much.

I've had times when I've done a full (non-range) charge, and around 60 miles were indicated on the GOM. Then, after a 16 mile drive to the dealer (to get a free carwash), the range has only gone down 6 miles, instead of 16. The more you drive, the more it tends to give a more accurate estimate.

I rely instead on the state of charge (percent) gauge. I keep track of how many miles driven since last charge (using the trip meter), and using the miles traveled, and percent of charge used, I get a more accurate view (I believe) of how far I will be able to travel.
rdavis0521 said:
If you change the dash view to the consumption gauge (the one that reads from reset), and reset that gauge, the range should change to 83 miles. With careful driving you can likely exceed that. .
Not in the North East USA in the winter. 65 miles might be about right.

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