Android App - EvAccess

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Active member
Feb 20, 2015
After using the Mercedes MyBClass web app for awhile, I found that it has some issues that were annoying to me. Once thing that I wanted was to have all the relevant information on one screen so I didn't have to click around through different pages to look at charge state, or range, etc. So, I decided to create my own Android app (EvAccess) to test out different presentations of the data.

I've set up an Google+ community for the Beta app for anyone interested in trying it out. Currently it's basic in its functionality, but I will improve it over time and incorporate any feedback. If you are interested, send me a private message on this forum with your email address and I'll send you an invite to the Google+ community so that you can download the app. (This is how Android app betas are handled on the Google Play Store) When it's been through some beta testing, I'll open it up to everyone on Google Play.

I like this app. I don't know why MB chose to make this a webpage instead of a real app. I like the UI of your app. To take it a step forward, would you consider adding a widget that shows the current charge level and an icon for charging / not charging?
I think Mercedes took the "most bang for the buck" approach. With one web app they can support android, iOS, and web without having to develop separate apps for each platform. There are downsides and limitation to this approach, one being not being able to take advantage of local platform features.

The app does show the state of charge %, but I think you are asking if it can display if the extended/range mode charging is activated. I've been looking into this an from what I can tell I don't think this information is included in the data the app receives. I'll keep working on it to see if I can figure something out. It would be very useful to know this.

I also plan on doing a widget once I get the climate control and departure time functionality implemented, which should be in the next update towards the end of the week.

Thanks for the feedback!
This quickly replaced the MB Web page as my default for checking on the status of my B when charging. Looking forward to the Climate control integration.

One suggestion might be an option pop up notifications for things like when the charge reaches 100% (or some other pre-determined level), when charging is interrupted, etc.
jwarcd said:
I think Mercedes took the "most bang for the buck" approach. With one web app they can support android, iOS, and web without having to develop separate apps for each platform. There are downsides and limitation to this approach, one being not being able to take advantage of local platform features.

The app does show the state of charge %, but I think you are asking if it can display if the extended/range mode charging is activated. I've been looking into this an from what I can tell I don't think this information is included in the data the app receives. I'll keep working on it to see if I can figure something out. It would be very useful to know this.

I also plan on doing a widget once I get the climate control and departure time functionality implemented, which should be in the next update towards the end of the week.

Thanks for the feedback!
Makes sense. Thank you for jumping in to make it a lot better!

I meant that the widget should display two pieces of info: the charge % and charging state icon.

I second the suggestion of a settings option to enable notifications when a certain charge level is reached.
jwarcd said:
I think Mercedes took the "most bang for the buck" approach. With one web app they can support android, iOS, and web without having to develop separate apps for each platform. There are downsides and limitation to this approach, one being not being able to take advantage of local platform features.

The app does show the state of charge %, but I think you are asking if it can display if the extended/range mode charging is activated. I've been looking into this an from what I can tell I don't think this information is included in the data the app receives. I'll keep working on it to see if I can figure something out. It would be very useful to know this.

I also plan on doing a widget once I get the climate control and departure time functionality implemented, which should be in the next update towards the end of the week.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you jwarcd. It should make android users lives easier.

When using an iphone, we have to logout / login each time we open the app, if not the the information doesn't change. A refresh button, would be nice on the website.

We have a Ford plug-in and their site for EV info is quite robust with ability to start / stop car and also schedule / delay when the charging should begin to hit the best time to charge and save $.
sixpak said:
We have a Ford plug-in and their site for EV info is quite robust with ability to start / stop car and also schedule / delay when the charging should begin to hit the best time to charge and save $.
This would have been a great feature for MB to build into the original design -- to be able to schedule the charging either from the webpage or from within the car. If they had built it into the webpage, I guess jwarcd could have made it part of his app. Not sure if that can still be done or if it needs some hardware in the car that is missing (to tell it to start / stop charging based on instructions from the MB server).
I was helping someone do an iOS version and he had a Beta version in testing, but he has put the project on hold for now. The MB web servers are quite temperamental and this was causing a lot of support headaches for him when the servers were acting up. For my Android EvAccess app I've had to spend a lot of time writing code to handle these error conditions, so I certainly can sympathize with him.
This is a first for me at least. I got the following email from Never got it before. I have been using the Android app exclusively. BTW, am plugged into a 110v outlet using the OEM charger.

Dear customer,

your vehicle has been fully charged.

Kind regards

Your Vehicle Homepage Team

This is an automated message, please do not reply. You have received this message because automatic email notifications for when charging has finished have been activated for your account You can deactivate these messages by visiting the Vehicle Homepage at:

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