Am I being charged ($) if I don't unplug the charger?

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New member
Mar 28, 2015
I was wondering what the current draw was once the car has been charged up to 100% ... am I still being charged $ by the electric company or is the charger smart enough to reduce its demand? I'm talking about the charger that comes with the car. Thanks!
Once the car is charged the power draw stops, so you are not paying for electricity. You can leave it plugged in which is generally recommended. There maybe a small amount of draw occasionally after charging to keep the battery warm or cool depending on the temperature. This is very minor cost and helps extend the life of the battery.
Leland said:
I was wondering what the current draw was once the car has been charged up to 100% ... am I still being charged $ by the electric company or is the charger smart enough to reduce its demand? I'm talking about the charger that comes with the car. Thanks!

Well, If you are using the L1 120V EVSE the subject will rarely come up. It takes over a day to charge the car.

Once the car is charged the charger and EVSE go back to ready connected. At this ti\me the connectors are open so the only draw is the few watts the EVSE draws. There is no physical electric connection to the car. Both the charger and EVSE relays or connectors are de-energized.

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