152 miles service engine light came on

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Yes, I agree with you that it's best to get it checked out ASAP. I'd hate to have a complete shut down in traffic.

I'm contacting my dealer now. I will post updates as I hear info.

Well. The two cars here now with same issue were 2 of the first off the lots in LA. MBUSA person assigned to my issue called today and reported team from Germany traveling in next few days to Glendale to investigate/work on my car. Did not say if software update was with them or if my car is going to be the Beta field test. I told the rep on the phone I knew of another one in LA with same issue. He asked how I knew. Funny!
tomt said:
One has to to wonder how a problem so seemingly common and apparent (this is the third I have heard of) could have made it out the door at MB...
Four cars, all in the first 150mi?

Sounds like a SW Engineer slipped in a last minute Firmware change that wasn't tested, very un-German. Maybe they out-sourced to a Silicon Valley firm ;)
I wonder how much of the software is Tesla and how much is MB... Unlike the RAV4EV, which is almost all Tesla, I suspect the B EV is largely MB...

padamson1 said:
Sounds like a SW Engineer slipped in a last minute Firmware change that wasn't tested, very un-German. Maybe they out-sourced to a Silicon Valley firm ;)
For those of you interested, those handful with the same current issue, and those who sometime soon need to take their B class in for a software update, here is where this stands today. Owned the car 18 days, been in the shop for the past 14. MB flew a couple of people to CAlstar and they spent Thursday and Friday "extracting data" from the vehicle. I was advised engineers will return to Germany with data, and "...hopefully Monday or Tuesday Germany will give some direction to MBUSA and the dealer." I know a few of you have been directed to ignore this condition and continue driving. MB is spending a lot of money flying people around the globe, and are tight lipped about what 2 days of investigation of the car revealed. At a minimum it will be 17 days straight in the shop by Monday, and they certainly have not corrected the issue it seems. Until next week...
Thanks for the update!

Wow, hope it can be resolved soon, and I hope MB does something to keep you a satisfied customer...
Dsummers said:
For those of you interested, those handful with the same current issue, and those who sometime soon need to take their B class in for a software update, here is where this stands today. Owned the car 18 days, been in the shop for the past 14. MB flew a couple of people to CAlstar and they spent Thursday and Friday "extracting data" from the vehicle. I was advised engineers will return to Germany with data, and "...hopefully Monday or Tuesday Germany will give some direction to MBUSA and the dealer." I know a few of you have been directed to ignore this condition and continue driving. MB is spending a lot of money flying people around the globe, and are tight lipped about what 2 days of investigation of the car revealed. At a minimum it will be 17 days straight in the shop by Monday, and they certainly have not corrected the issue it seems. Until next week...

Tom, any update on this? It's past 'Monday or Tuesday' now :(
Good morning. There has been nothing to report until about 10 minutes ago. Resolution from a software update is "2-3 months away" and MB is buying the car back from me. They kindly advised me to make my 1st payment due next week, and they will refund it in the buyback which takes 2-3 weeks I was told. I have been graciously advised I will not be charged for the 152 miles I drove, I will be refunded my down payment and the first monthly payment I am to make. That's it. Until the paperwork and check is issued I will refrain from my opinion of this whole mess. Tune back in in 2-3 weeks.
Dsummers said:
Good morning. There has been nothing to report until about 10 minutes ago. Resolution from a software update is "2-3 months away" and MB is buying the car back from me...[big snip]... Tune back in in 2-3 weeks.
Bummer. While I am glad that they have offered to take the car back, it is very bad that Mercedes could not resolve the error condition and had to resort to that solution (especially if you sold/traded-in your previous vehicle). Hopefully they were being conservative and actually will have a solution sooner than that, but that doesn't help your situation.

I am curious what has happened with the others who reported this condition. Is the car driving normally and this is just a warning for a non-error? or is something else strange happening?
Wow - seems kind of like an easy out for MB - I wanted them to see it fixed and back on the road ASAP. Did they rush the launch to much and now ended up with this problem?

What about all the other vehicles with errors? I wonder if MB will start contacting or not.
Exactly same problem happen to me, at 162 miles a "Service Required, do not change gears, visit the dealer" show in my dash, I turn the key off and on again, message was gone, car work fine, nothing wrong, good to heard about your experience. I may call dealer today.
It appears that BMW & Mercedes are using the 10 compliance states this year to work out the bugs in their BEVs before selling them in all 48 states next year. I hope Mercedes fixes all the bugs in the MBCED before I order one to replace my 2012 LEAF early next year.
FYI. I was going to post yesterday but I wanted it to make sure everything is resolved before posting it. I had my warning pop up last Friday after 250 miles, and since I read this before, I wasn't freaking out. I called my dealer and he said he's going to check with the service. I stopped by yesterday since I had to get something else from there, and he told me there is a software patch available but I had to come again today since service was closed on Sunday.

So it seemed that the software patch is available, and I'll let you know how it goes this afternoon. This is MB Encino, if you want to use it as reference.
soetomo said:
FYI. I was going to post yesterday but I wanted it to make sure everything is resolved before posting it. I had my warning pop up last Friday after 250 miles, and since I read this before, I wasn't freaking out. I called my dealer and he said he's going to check with the service. I stopped by yesterday since I had to get something else from there, and he told me there is a software patch available but I had to come again today since service was closed on Sunday.

So it seemed that the software patch is available, and I'll let you know how it goes this afternoon. This is MB Encino, if you want to use it as reference.

Good to know, what about the red triangle that sometimes pop up with no reason but disappear in a few seconds? anyone with the same issue?
I am not going to order until QC is available, which is supposed to be next year...

roperld said:
It appears that BMW & Mercedes are using the 10 compliance states this year to work out the bugs in their BEVs before selling them in all 48 states next year. I hope Mercedes fixes all the bugs in the MBCED before I order one to replace my 2012 LEAF early next year.
soetomo said:
FYI. I was going to post yesterday but I wanted it to make sure everything is resolved before posting it. I had my warning pop up last Friday after 250 miles, and since I read this before, I wasn't freaking out. I called my dealer and he said he's going to check with the service. I stopped by yesterday since I had to get something else from there, and he told me there is a software patch available but I had to come again today since service was closed on Sunday.

So it seemed that the software patch is available, and I'll let you know how it goes this afternoon. This is MB Encino, if you want to use it as reference.

False alarm! I got there and I was introduced to their Service Manager and he said the fix is not available yet. He showed me the letter from MB dated August 12 that mentioned this specific issue. There is no specified time yet for the fix, but if the warning is not showing up anymore (which what happened to me, only once last Friday) then it's ok to drive. I should've called first, but the dealer was on my way home. He said I'll be notified when the fix is available.

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