12mm tire wrench?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2019
When I had my tires replaced I looked at the lug bolts closely for the first time. They're like giant Allen wrench screws! I estimate 12mm across the inside. I have nothing like that in my toolbox.

Has anyone purchased a tire wrench for their B? Any recommendations?

Not me said this boomer. I use my air compressor and scoot to the fix flat guys on 10th avenue. Their compressed air powered thingees can handle all size lugs. Question, why would we need a wrench exactly with either run flats and no spare tire?
I was thinking I might want to look at my brake pads, or perhaps patch a slow leak in my own driveway. It also occurs to me that if this bit is the least bit unusual, I should probably leave it in the car just in case I have a tire problem near a repair shop that might not have one. I have ordered a 12mm "hex bit" with a 1/2" drive from Amazon. If that turns out to be the answer I will post details.
Impressive. Not only resourceful but willing to get your hands dirty. I would have thought that the lugs are MB standard so used tire irons should be available on eBay.
Well am I embarrassed! I was looking at a decorative inset into the head of the tire bolt. Yes there is a hex depression in the top of the bolt, no it is not where you put the wrench! The bolt is a standard 17mm bolt head, just hard to see in the dark recesses of the wheel holes. Well at least it's not some obscure new thing!

Just as a reminder to other old geezers out there. These new modern non-steel wheels require outrageous torques. With the old steel wheels it didn't matter as much, but these modern wheels specify torques of like 96 ft-lbs. That's about all the force I can get using a 17" long wrench handle. I was cursing the tire dealers for over tightening all this time, but it turns out they were just following the specs.

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