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If you are stuck using the 120V L1 charger make sure you switch it to 12A. It defaults to 8A. 12A is 50% faster but it could heat up a worn receptacle. The Lear defaults to a very safe current.

I charge at 240V 40A and the only time I used the supplied L1 EVSE was to test it. The car follows the J1772 protocol so on L2 it will charge just fine on a much cheaper 30A EVSE. I started at 30A and upgraded to 40A since my OpenEVSE unit just needed a new cable.

ON the Leaf forum they think highly of Clipper Creek EVSEs.  If you need UL approval then stay away from the JuiceBox or OpenEVSE units. Me, I could care less.

Where I live snow is not allowed! That said cold weather reduces the battery capacity ( under 40 degrees ). On a normal charge at 80%  my GOM will say 65 miles. If I reset it it will jump to the mid eighties. The extended charge does not show up on the meter. It just stays at 100% longer. Just pay attention to the charge meter and ignore the GOM.
