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  1. S


    My GOM meter has never shown over 70 miles that I can remember. I regularly do 100+ mile round trips. I use the % battery meter to gauge range. Just making sure I am running about 1% a mile if I am planning a 100 mile round trip.
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    10,000 Mile Service

    I saw this same comment that the desiccant filter was free in a magazine review but cannot find it in the MB documentation. Where is this documented so I can show the dealer? I agree the rest of the service is really nothing but inspections. Does not make sense to pay $200-$300 for this.
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    Brake Groan

    Yes, mind does this. Drives me crazy as I do tend to crepe as the red lights are about to change. Not only do I have to listen to the car but also to my wife who tells me to stop doing it. So I have 2 "Groans" at the same time.
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    National Drive Electric Week Los Angeles

    For those near NYC, I am planning on attending this event: Would be nice to see someone with a MB B-class electric since I have never seen another outside of the MB dealer.
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    "Engine" fan noise/operation

    Yes, I have noticed this. Quite noisy and I can feel a small amount of vibration through the pedals and steering wheel. It goes away after a min or 2. I believe the AC has a variable speed compressor, so when it first goes on it goes to max to try to cool the car quickly and get the...
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    What will you do when your lease is up?

    No question I will turn it back in and hopefully buy a Tesla Model 3. Hopefully available by April 2018!
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    full charge still shows I can go only 65 miles

    Completely ignore the Guess o meter. It seems to run between 30-50% low in estimating range. I never look at it. I agree with the others use the percent battery with your trip meter and calculate the range. I have never seen worse than 1% per mile in mild weather which is better than 100...
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    10,000 Mile Service

    I just order the MB service manual CD. I will see how involved the service is for the battery desiccant. The battery desiccant is a tesla thing. This is one of their little secrets to extend battery life. If it is not too difficult to change I will post how to do it. Everything else...
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    yay problems already

    On #1. The air bags are not set by the seatbelt. In fact you can thank the US government for this as there is a requirement to test an unbelted passenger. Europe it is the opposite as they size the bag assuming a belted passenger. Your dog should be in the back. #2. Read the manual. It...
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    Warm Weather Range and Regen Behavior

    In the warmer weather it is just slightly worse than the Ford Focus Electric. I have not had the MB yet in the cold as I just got in April. My average for my former Focus Electric over 20K mikes was about 260 watts per mile. (Not as good as you...) In 2500 miles, my MB average consumption...
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    Range Meter After Full Charge - What Should It Read

    Yes, you are double counting for the charging losses. Using the straight mpKwh measurement from the vehicle is more accurate in this case as it accounts for the charging loss. It is not perfect but is pretty close to account for the charging loss. Yes the MB is the only vehicle I know of...
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    In home 240v wiring

    I would look at the wiring your current set up. There is a small chance the electrician used 6 gauge wire. (marked 6 AWG). If so you would just need to change the circuit breaker and the plug (assuming the charger is not hard wired.) for an upgrade. If not, just do what is most...
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    Thoughts after 100 miles

    #1 Turns on the climate control without the key in the ignition. #2 If you have the premium package you should have the sub-woofer that comes with the Harmon Kardon system in the trunk. #3 No #4 Read the other threads. Typically 10% - 20% low. @ 2.5 mpKwh you are getting 3.0 mpKwh. #5 No...
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    Pedestrian Warning Sound

    Yes noticed when my wife pulled away from the house. It shuts off at 20 MPH. (I read somewhere in the manual.) I would say is more of a whirling sound. Like a high pitched fan. I also noticed it shut off.....yes she was past 20 MPH by the time she got to the point I was standing. She is...
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    Warm Weather Range and Regen Behavior

    I will add the RAV 4 to the chart above. Do you know the weight for the RAV4 as sometimes I need to dig for this information? The "fuel" economy is easy to get from the EPA website. The point with this chart is that the MB is underrated for efficiency and range. The car makers do their own...
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    Battery Life Optimization

    Agreed this is why I leased.
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    Battery Life Optimization

    Yes if you watch the video it is really: Time X Charge Level = Aging. Under 80% charge this is negligable but it does have a small effect. Yes, MB has really taken care of this by only allowing the battery to charge to about 80%. He mentions storing a lithium ion battery at 20% charge...
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    Battery Life Optimization

    I recently watched the entire video and read up on other sites. It has changed my behavior with both my car and cell phone. A few take aways: 1. High temps will age the battery faster. 2. The higher the charge the more quickly the battery will age. Below 80% the benefit is minimal. 3...
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    Error message: Charger Cable Connected’

    This is a guess, but I am an electrical engineer and understand what maybe causing a failure. I would have them focus on the J1772 charging connector on the vehicle. Specifically the proximity pin (Pin#5) on the vehicle. There is a simple (in electric terms) low voltage DC divider network...
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    152 miles service engine light came on

    I have had this message 20-30 times. I just press ok and it the message goes away. No need to restart. I am not concerned with it and it is not worth a trip to the dealer for me. It is clear it is not effecting the function of the car and is just a false error.